Revisit your Financial Goal Regularly
Why do we have to keep revisiting our Goals ? Courtsy Nj India Invest 1. There is not just one finish line, there are multiple goals to be achieved during a lifetime, and you'll be simultaneously running for all of them. And 2. The life goals, unlike the finish line, they aren't constant, as you move towards them they'll drift a little further, not necessary in the north. So, resting on the above attributes, we arrive at: Goal Setting is not a once in a lifetime process. It is an ongoing affair, you need to revisit and review them time and again. Having said this, why aren't our goals fixed? why do we need to revisit them repeatedly?, often comes into the investor's mind. So the following paragraphs will explain the reasoning behind the constant motion in your goals. Firstly, your lifestyle exercises a significant impact on your goals . Let's assume, you are working in a junior management grade in a company, and you feel Rs 1 crore will be enou...